A massage therapist helps a person relieve stress, increase relaxation, improve circulation, and gain relief from pain by massaging and manipulating the soft muscle tissues in the body. They help rehabilitate injuries through touch, and by doing so, aid in the overall wellness of a patient.
A massage therapist lends contributes to the general wellness of a client through the use of therapeutic massage to the joints and soft tissue muscles of the body. This helps relieve pain, rehabilitate injuries, and improve poor circulation. Massage therapists determine the individualized treatment needs of a client by obtaining their medical history, and assessing any self-reported symptoms. They develop a course of action to aid in the healing of the injury or problem area based on this information and keep records of all progress or adjustments made.
Massage therapists identify specific areas of the body to apply hand and finger pressure. They evaluate a patient’s muscle strength, level of function, joint ability, range of motion, and the condition of their soft tissue, and give them information about helpful techniques such as stretching, rehabilitative exercises, postural improvement, and/or relaxation.
A massage therapist consults with other health care professionals (chiropractors, physicians, psychologists, or physiotherapists) in order to aid in a patient’s successful treatment. They may also give the client a referral, if necessary, to a specialized health professional. They use tools to aid in therapy, such as balance beams or boards, rockers, bolsters, and hydrotherapy equipment such as baths or tanks. They use treatment tables, both stationary and portable, as well as mats, heat lamps, massage stone sets, cold and hot packs, and other equipment.
Proper massage therapists need to have a working knowledge of psychology, medicine, biology, and customer service. They need the skills of speaking clearly and listening attentively. They need to be able to gather and sort information and maintain accurate documents or records. They should be able to make decisions and solve problems. They need dynamic strength, arm-hand steadiness, manual dexterity, and core strength to succeed in this career. A massage therapist can be found working in private homes, offices, hospitals, spas, and fitness centers.