Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for Treating Allergies 🌿🤧
According to TCM, organ weaknesses (lung, spleen, and kidneys), environmental pathogens (wind, dampness, heat, or cold), and Wei Qi (immune system) imbalances are the main causes of allergies. Acupuncture, food therapy, and herbal formulae build up the body and decrease allergic reactions.

1. The Allergies View from TCM
✔ Wei Qi Deficiency (卫气虚, Weak Defensive Qi) → Common colds, seasonal allergies, and low immunity
✔ Wind Invasion (风邪, Fēng Xié) → Runny nose, itchy skin, and sneezing
✔ Spleen Qi Deficiency (脾气虚, Pí Qì Xū) → Food allergies, phlegm congestion, and digestive problems
✔ Kidney Deficiency (肾虚, Shèn Xū) → Sinus allergies, chronic asthma, and a weakened constitution
2. Herbs Used in TCM for Allergies 🌿
🌬 A. Herbs for Respiratory Allergies (Sneezing, Sinus, Hay Fever)
✔ Huang Qi (黄芪, Astragalus) → Strengthens Wei Qi, Prevents Colds & Allergies
✔ Cang Er Zi (苍耳子, Xanthium Fruit) → Clears nasal congestion & sinus infections
✔ Xin Yi Hua (辛夷花, Magnolia Flower) → Opens nasal passages, treats sinusitis
✔ Bai Zhi (白芷, Angelica Root) → Clears Wind-Cold, relieves headaches & sinus pressure
✔ Fang Feng (防风, Siler Root) → Expels Wind, reduces sneezing & itching
🤧 B. Herbs for Skin Allergies (Hives, Rashes, Itching, Eczema)
✔Ku Shen (苦参, Sophora Root) → eliminates heat, reduces itching, and cures eczema
✔ Bai Xian Pi (白鲜皮, Dictamnus Root Bark) → Reduces skin inflammation and dampness
✔ Di Fu Zi (地肤子, Kochia Fruit) → Drains moisture and smoothes irritated skin
✔ Zi Cao (紫草, Lithospermum Root) → Nourishes Blood and lessens skin irritation
🦵C. Herbs for Digestive Weakness & Food Allergies
✔ Shan Yao, also known as Chinese Yam (山药) → prevents diarrhea and improves digestion.
✔Chen Pi (陈皮, Aged Tangerine Peel) → eliminates phlegm and aids with digestion
✔ Fu Ling (匯苓, Poria Mushroom) → Helps with bloating and mucus accumulation, reduces dampness
✔ Sheng Jiang (生姜, Fresh Ginger) → Prevents food sensitivities and warms digestion
🫁 D. Herbs for Chronic Allergies & Asthma
✔ Wu Wei Zi (五味子, Schisandra Berry) → Reduces wheezing and fortifies the kidneys and lungs
✔ Mai Men Dong (麦门冬, Ophiopogon Root) → Hydrates Lungs and eases persistent cough
✔ Gan Cao (甘草, Licorice Root) → Harmonizes formulations and soothes the throat
✔ Ren Shen (ﺺ参, ginseng) → Increases Qi and fortifies immunity
3. TCM Herbal Allergy Formulas
🍃A. Allergies of the Respiratory System (Sneezing, Runny Nose, Hay Fever)
🔹 Cang Er Zi San (苍耳子散, Xanthium Powder) → Greatest for hay fever and sinus congestion
🔹 Yu Ping Feng San (玉屏风散, Jade Windscreen Powder) → Boosts immunity and avoids allergens
🔹 Xiao Feng San (消风散, Wind-Dispersing Powder) → Lessens rashes and itching
🌿B. Allergies to the Skin (Eczema, Rashes, Hives, Itching)
🔹Long Dan Xie Gan Tang (龙胆泻肝汤, Gentian Liver Purge Decoction) → Removes Heat and Dampness from the Liver (for red, irritated skin)
🔹Er Chen Tang (二陈汤, Two-Aged Decoction) → Eliminates Phlegm-Dampness (for weepy eczema)
🔹 Dang Gui Yin Zi (当归饮子, Angelica Nourishing Decoction) → Nourishes Blood and Reduces Itching
🦵 C. Weak Digestion & Food Allergies
🔹 Shen Ling Bai Zhu San (参苓白术散, Ginseng & Atractylodes Formula) → Reduces food sensitivities & Strengthens Digestion 🔹 Ping Wei San (平胃散, Calm the Stomach Powder) → Decreases bloating and dampness
🫁 D. Asthma & Chronic Allergies
🔹 Bu Fei Tang (补肺汤, Lung-Tonifying Decoction) → Strengthens Lungs, Prevents Asthma Attacks
🔹 Liu Jun Zi Tang (六君子汤, Six Gentlemen Decoction) → Strengthens Spleen & Lungs, decreases mucus
4. The Allergy TCM Diet 🥗
The Best Foods to Prevent Allergies
✔ Foods to Warm Up: Onions, garlic, and ginger (increases immunity)
✔Dark-Colored Foods: Seaweed, black beans, and black sesame (which support healthy kidneys)
✔ Leafy Greens (detoxifies liver): spinach, bok choy, and kale
✔Miso, kimchi, and probiotic yogurt are examples of fermented foods that aid in digestion.
✔ Foods That Reduce Inflammation: Honey, walnuts, and turmeric
Foods to Avoid
🚫 Dairy and Processed Sugar → Increases Inflammation & Mucus
🚫 Raw and cold foods weaken digestion and make you feel wet
🚫 Foods that are fried or greased exacerbate heat and phlegm
🚫 Alcohol and spice can cause the liver to overheat and aggravate skin sensitivities.
. Allergy Acupressure Points 🤲
🌿 LI-4 (Hegu, 合谷) → Reduces headaches and nasal congestion
🌿 ST-36 (Zusanli, 足三里) → Improves Immunity & Digestion
🌿 SP-6 (Sanyinjiao, 三阴交) → Regulates Digestion & Reduces Dampness
🌿 LU-7 (Lieque, 列漺) → Strengthens Lungs & Stops Sneezing
🌿 KD-3 (Taixi, 太溪) → Treats chronic allergies and strengthens kidneys
6. Lifestyle Advice to Avoid Allergies 🌞
✔ Stay Warm → Wear scarves to protect yourself from wind and cold.
✔ Immerse yourself in deep breathing to strengthen your lung qi.
✔ Hydrate and drink herbal tea and warm water every day.
✔ Reduce stress. Engage in Qigong, Tai Chi, or Meditation
According to TCM, organ deficits, wind invasion, and Wei Qi imbalances (lung, spleen, kidneys) are the causes of allergies. To naturally boost immunity and lessen allergic reactions, treatment consists of nutrition therapy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and lifestyle modifications.
❌This information is merely informative and is not regarded as health advice.
Any medical advice or diagnosis should be sought from a specialist.⭕️
Acupuncture near me at Forest Hill, New York
Dr. Phumlarp Caulo LA,c, MAc. OM, DAHM
Doctor of Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine
Caulo Care Acupuncture
🔖 By appointment only
☎️+1 (929) 269-4549
📍 75th Forest Hills, New York
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